URL | Description |
Adapters | The adapter pattern is used extensively in Eclipse. The use of this pattern allows plug-ins to be loosely coupled, yet still be tightly integrated in the extremely dynamic Eclipse runtime environment. In this article, we show you how to use the adapter framework to make your own objects adaptable, and adapt other objects. |
Brian de Alwis website | |
Chronon DVR for Java | |
Chronon Time Travelling Debugger | |
Command Core Expressions | The Platform Command Framework uses core expressions for enabledWhen and activeWhen for handlers, programmatic activation of contexts, and for visibleWhen for menu contributions. The command framework provides the IEvaluationContext that command core expressions are evaluate against. This wiki page lists the variables used for core expressions |
Commands Tutorial - Authentication in RCP Application | |
Commands Tutorial - Selection and Enablement of Commands | |
Common Navigator Framework | A JFace Viewer provides the user with a view of objects using a single content provider, label provider, sorter and filter. The Common Navigator Framework (CNF) extends this idea by allowing a single view to dynamically use multiple and unrelated sets of content providers, label providers, sorters and filters. These can be activated in the view depending on declarative expressions or using API calls. The CNF implemented by the org.eclipse.ui.navigator plugin. |
Custom Protocol Handler | |
Data URI Scheme | The data URI scheme is a URI scheme (Uniform Resource Identifier scheme) that provides a way to include data in-line in web pages as if they were external resources. This technique allows normally separate elements such as images and style sheets to be fetched in a single HTTP request rather than multiple HTTP requests, which can be more efficient. |
Dependency Injection (Wikipedia) | Dependency injection is a software design pattern that allows removing hard-coded dependencies and making it possible to change them, whether at run-time or compile-time. |
Dependency Injection Basics | |
Dependency Injection by Example | |
Dependency Injection for your own objects | |
Dependency Injection in Eclipse 4 | |
Deploying a newly developed Eclipse Plugin | |
Drag and Drop for Common Navigator | |
Drag and Drop in the Eclipse UI | In this article, we discuss the drag and drop facilities provided by JFace and the Eclipse platform UI. After reading this, you will know how to add drag and drop support to your own Eclipse views, and how that support will interact with the standard views in the Eclipse platform. Along the way, we'll also discuss that keyboard relative of drag and drop: cut and paste. You'll learn that putting your own custom objects on the clipboard is easy once you've figured out the basics of drag and drop. This article is intended to be read as a companion to the SWT drag and drop article. |
E4-RCP Tutorial - Tom Schindl | |
Eclipse 4 Modularity - Tutorial (Model contributions can be done via .xmi files (fragments) or via code (processors)) | |
Eclipse 4 RCP - Tutorial (Lars Vogel) | |
Eclipse Bugs | |
Eclipse Community Forums - e4 | |
Eclipse Documentation - Indigo | |
Eclipse Extension Points and Extensions | |
Eclipse IDE Tutorial | |
Eclipse JET Tutorial | |
Eclipse Product Deployment | |
Eclipse RCP Tutorial - Lars Vogel | |
Eclipse Workbench: Using the Selection Service | |
Eclipse e4 Project Downloads | |
Eclipse4 RCP | |
How developers are expected to discover injected values | |
Intuitive Design | |
Migrating plug-ins from Eclipse 3.x to Eclipse 4 | To migrate your Views and Editors to Eclipse 4 you can choice to use org.eclipse.e4.tools.compat plug-in from the e4 tooling projects. This bridge was developed by Tom Schindl a while ago. |
Nebula Project | |
Procedural Texturing | |
RCP Case Studies | |
Rich Client Platform | |
SketchHub | |
Soft migration from 3.x to Eclipse 4 | |
Tutorial: A cross-platform graphical application using Java, OpenGL and Eclipse - Wade Walker's Blog | |
Vogella Eclipse Tutorials | |
Why do I get an Invalid Thread Access Exception? |