URL | Description |
Analog Hole Gaming | |
Cooking Recipes | |
Curse - WoW Addons | |
Elitist Jerks | |
Example of Premonition Guild Recruitment | |
How to Leave a Guild in WOW | |
MMO Champion | |
Machinima | |
MaxDPS | |
MetaTalks with Alachia | |
Petopia | |
Professions | |
Realm Status | |
Ten Ton Hammer | |
The Guild | The Guild is a independent sitcom web series about a group of online gamers. The show started in the late summer of 2007, and for the first season was financed solely by Paypal donations from LOYAL FANS. Since season 2, The Guild has been distributed by Xbox Live and Microsoft and sponsored by Sprint. |
Timeless Isle | ![]() |
TradeSkillMaster - Addon Info | TradeSkillMaster (abbreviated "TSM") is a modular addon suite designed to help both players new to the gold making scene as well as experienced auction house goblins streamline their gold-making processes including everything from crafting things to buying mats to snatch (dealfinding) lists to creating and canceling auctions. |
TradeSkillMaster - Application Info | In the past, we've released a desktop application which will automatically update your AuctionDB using Blizzard's APIs. This application was widely used and helped countless TSM users avoid ever having to scan the auction house again. Fast forward a year, and we are thrilled to introduce the new TradeSkillMaster desktop application. |
WoW Heroes | |
WoWCast PodCast | |
WoWWiki | |
World of Warcast | |
World of Warcraft - Official Site | |
Wow Model Viewer for WoD Updates [Psynaps] | Very good way of getting the WoW character models |
Wowhead | Best database of quest information for WoW around. |