Mathematics - Recreations


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An Origami Playing Simulator in Virtual Space

A virtual manipulation system for ORIGAMI (paper folding) is described. A piece of paper defined in a computer can be deformed interactively by picking and moving a corner vertex of a paper face on a graphic screen using a mouse. Three kinds of folding operations and a curving operation transform the paper into a three dimensional figure made by flat or curved surfaces. The roundness of the curved surfaces is calculated in real time by minimizing an elastic energy function. The simulated paper has traditional Japanese decoration applied as a texture to give a more realistic appearance. It is rendered with shading in real time.

Flexagon In geometry, flexagons are flat models, usually constructed by folding strips of paper, that can be flexed or folded in certain ways to reveal faces besides the two that were originally on the back and front. Flexagons are usually square or rectangular (tetraflexagons) or hexagonal (hexaflexagons). A prefix can be added to the name to indicate the number of faces that the model can display, including the two faces (back and front) that are visible before flexing. For example, a hexaflexagon with a total of six faces is called a hexahexaflexagon.
Geometric Exercises in Paper Folding - T. Sundara Row
Geometric Folding Algorithms - Prof. Erik Demaine A series of lectures given in Fall 2010
Hinged Dissections Exist We prove that any ?nite collection of polygons of equal area has a common hinged dissection, that is, a chain of polygons hinged at vertices that can be folded in the plane continuously without self-intersection to form any polygon in the collection. This result settles the open problem about the existence of hinged dissections between pairs of polygons that goes back implicitly to 1864 and has been studied extensively in the past ten years. Our result generalizes and indeed builds upon the result from 1814 that polygons have common dissections (without hinges). We also extend our result to edge-hinged dissections of solid 3D polyhedra that have a common (unhinged) dissection, as determined by Dehn’s 1900 solution to Hilbert’s Third Problem. Our proofs are constructive, giving explicit algorithms in all cases. For a constant number of planar polygons, both the number of pieces and running time required by our construction are pseudopolynomial. This bound is the best possible even for unhinged dissections. Hinged dissections have possible applications to recon?gurable robotics, programmable matter, and nanomanufacturing.
Mathematics of Paper Folding - Wiki
Modelling rigid origami with quaternions

This paper examines the mathematical modelling of rigid origami, a type of origami where all the panels are rigid and can only rotate about crease lines. The rotating vector model is proposed, which establishes the loop-closure conditions among a group of characteristic vectors. By building up an explicit relationship between the single-vertex origami and the spherical linkage mechanism, the rotating vector model can conveniently and directly describe arbitrary three-dimensional con?gurations and can detect some self-intersection. Quaternion and dual quaternion are then employed to represent the origami model, based on which two numerical methods have been developed. Through examples, it has been shown that the ?rst method can effectively track the entire rigid-folding procedure of an initially ?at or a non-?at pattern with a single vertex or multiple vertices, and thereby provide judgment for its rigid foldability and ?at foldability. Furthermore, its ability to rule out some self-intersecting con?gurations during folding is illustrated in detail, leading to its ability of checking rigid foldability in a more or less suf?cient way. The second method is especially for analysing the multi-vertex origami. It can also effectively track the trajectories of multiple vertices during folding.

Origami - Wolfram MathWorld

Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. In traditional origami, constructions are done using a single sheet of colored paper that is often, though not always, square. In modular origami, a number of individual "units," each folded from a single sheet of paper, are combined to form a compound structure. Origami is an extremely rich art form, and constructions for thousands of objects, from dragons to buildings to vegetables have been devised. Many mathematical shapes can also be constructed, especially using modular origami. The images above show a number of modular polyhedral origami, together with an animated crane constructed in Mathematica by L. Zamiatina.

Origami Simulation

Origami Simulation" was developed by Shinya Miyazaki when he was a doctor course student at Nagoya University. He is now a professor at Chukyo University. Origami Simulation was written with C/C++ Language and uses OpenGL library. It enables virtual paper folding (Origami) in a standard PC environment. It was developed on Silicon Graphics (SGI) workstation and translated into Windows.

Origami Software: Origamizer Freeform Origami, Origamizer, Rigid Origami Simulator
Origami Video
Origami and Geometric Constructions
Origami and Partial Differential Equations

Origami is the ancient Japanese art of folding paper. Even if origami is mainly an artistic product, it has received a great deal of attention from mathematicians, because of its interesting algebraic and geometrical properties.


Our website is the place to find easy diagrams to fold from, shop from our broad selection of origami books, paper, and downloadable diagrams, and find events from our calendar such as our fantastic Conventions that bring folders together from all over the world. Find an origami group near you or read our online magazine for more diagrams and great articles. Join us and you receive our print magazine. Experience the joy of paperfolding!

Robert J. Lang Origami

Origami mathematics is the subset of mathematics that describes the underlying laws of origami. As part of mathematics, it is part of a deep, consistent (albeit incomplete) logical structure, but its applicability to real-world origami has its limits. Origami mathematics is always at most an approximation of real-world folding, and what one can construct, fold, or compute, using the operations of origami, depends, critically, on what one assumes as the underlying axioms, rules, or operations (depending on your choice of terminology).

Robert Lang: The Math and Magic of Origami Fantastic video by an Origami Guru.
Sketchup Unfold Tool Demos how to unfold a 3D model
The Mathematics of Origami - Sheri Yin