URL | Description |
A system for automatic animation of piano performances | Playing the piano requires one to precisely position one’s hand in order to strike particular combinations of keys at speci?c moments in time. This paper presents the ?rst system for automatically generating three-dimensional animations of piano performance, given an input midi music ?le. A graph theory-based motion planning method is used to decide which set of ?ngers should strike the piano keys for each chord. As the progression of the music is anticipated, the positions of unused ?ngers are calculated to make possible ef?cient ?ngering of future notes. Initial key poses of the hands, including those for complex piano techniques such as crossovers and arpeggio, are determined on the basis of the ?nger positions and piano theory. An optimization method is used to re?ne these poses, producing a natural and minimal energy pose sequence. Motion transitions between poses are generated using a combination of sampled piano playing motion and music features, allowing the system to support different playing styles. Our approach is validated through direct comparison with actual piano playing and simulation of a complete music piece requiring various playing skills. Extensions of our system are discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. |
Dexterous Finger Movement... | Although finger bones construction of human body is very complex and difficult to measure but it is necessary to measure the dexterous finger movement of a pianist for piano playing. This paper has measured the finger movements with six degrees of freedom of an expert pianist, using a magnetic motion capture system by which it is possible to measure any type of finger movements during their activities. From the current research novice players/beginners can get the information about intertap interval time of a particular finger, finger height in space, finger status and finger tip velocity during playing the piano. Moreover it has shown an easy digital recording process of the hand’s movements using a hand MoCap system. These themes are crucial to acquire knowledge of any kind of finger movements and its digitization. The results has presented in this paper are particularly helpful for novice players as well as applications where dexterous finger movements are essentials such as piano education and different games. |